Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Take Staggered Start Times Survey

Carroll ISD is seeking your input. The district has created a survey regarding the consideration of Triple Staggered School Start Times as a means to save the district money every year.

As part of the Expenditure Reduction Plan, the staggered start times could help the district save $112,800 each year in the general operating budget. The School Board and Administration are seeking your input before making such a change. In the survey, suggestions and comments are encouraged and it allows for you to choose the start times you would prefer.

In an effort to reduce bus transportation costs (which Carroll ISD spends $1.8 million per year), several school districts across the state use triple staggered start times. This allows the district to run multiple bus routes each day using the same drivers and buses.

Also, since Carroll ISD is a Chapter 41 property wealthy school district, we do not receive state funding for transportation.

Staggered Start Times Survey