Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Give Us Your Budget Reduction Input

Carroll ISD is asking for public input into the 2010-2011 budgeting process. The district has posted information about its ongoing Expenditure Reduction Plan on a special webpage. The link is available from the district's main page or by visiting

After watching the PowerPoint Presentation to learn more about CISD's current financial situation, a link to an online survey is available. Employees at each of the district's campuses and departments have been taking part in informational budget meetings to hear about the state of school finances and to brainstorm and prioritize ideas for reducing expenditures and increasing revenues. This process is for the district's operating budget and not for the debt service (bond project) budget.

The public survey asks for ideas, and participants can submit questions about the 2010-2011 budget, too. Please take time to learn more about CISD's general operating budget and send us your ideas. The survey will remain open throughout the month of February.